Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Quick draw

I did that thing a few nights ago where you go out for a few quiet drinks and a game of backgammon and on the tube back you decide that you're sober enough to read when really your not at all, meaning that next time you come to your book you can't remember what's happened, where you are or why it's covered in sick. I've ruined many books for myself this way over the years. Though thinking about it I suppose one way round the trouble would be to get drunk again so you remember it.
So though I'm determined to re-read the bit I've forgotten of my current book (Kafka's The Trial, which is most enjoyable) I can't be bothered to do it now. This left me at a loose end on the bus back from Oxford tonight, so I decided to set myself a challenge: to draw, photograph, bluetooth-to-my-laptop, colour and blog a picture before I get to Victoria. I started quite late into the journey too, so I've had to do all this in about twenty minutes.
Unfortunately the drawing (another embarassing pop star, why?) is pretty horrendous, and so is the picture I took before my phone battery died. The colouring's shit too, come to think of it. But, boy, did I bluetooth it to my laptop well!
Anyway, I killed some time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't bother trying to reread bit of the trial it'll only end in tears...