Friday, February 26, 2010

Film Strips

Little White Lies (you know, the film magazine) ran a competition looking for comic-strip re-imaginations of movies, all to be done within 6 set frames. I went for The Wrestler.

(Click it to make it bigger.)

I didn't win though, this guy did.

I did another one as well but it's not very good.

EDIT (much later)
The one I thought was not very good, about Man On Wire wasn't so bad after all. It features in the "digital magazine" of runners-up they made.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Hemingway Gold

My other lifelong friend Justyn was a national finalist in the 2009 Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition with his creation Hemingway's Gold. He's a mixologist supreme, by all accounts - he has only recently returned from Tennessee having been flown out by Jack Daniels himself for another competition. I went along to the national Bacardi finals last night and it was a very rum do (geddit!?!!).

As part of the competition entrants have to conceive of a marketing campaign for their drink and I tried to help Justyn by making a soundless animatic for a potential animation. Here it is with embarrassing narration from some mumbling fool.

Justyn unfortunately didn't make it through this time, which is probably all my fault as he usually does.

Now you've seen the advert, why not try the cocktail. All you need is:
  • 50ml rum
  • 10ml amontillado
  • 7.5ml maraschino
  • 25ml lime juice
  • 12.5ml cardamom gomme
  • 2 barspoons of fresh pomegranate pulp
Then just shake it all up and strain it (twice).