Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Sweet View: Greenwich

At long last, it has arrived: Sweet View print number 12!

This time it's the turn of Greenwich Market. It also features some Sunday millers, a bit of the Cutty Sark, a lone pigeon and some bunting.

It's available to buy online here.

This is the last of our original set of a print for each of the 12 inner London boroughs (don't mention The City of London). It's been fun though so we probably won't stop.

I drew it perched outside Desperados, a Mexican restaurant. They brought me tea and then refused any payment out of a kind supporting-the-arts gesture. I felt like Pablo Picasso himself in that moment. Now let's all go to Desperados and join the ¡FIESTA!

**Special blog offer for blog people**
Readers of this blog are hereby entitled to 20% off - on all our prints - between now and Christmas. Just email with your order.

Here are some of those aforementioned details.

The Sunday millers:

The Cutty Sark:

The lone pigeon:

And the bunting: